let’s taco ’bout being two & Charlotte’s fiesta party

let’s taco ’bout being two & Charlotte’s fiesta party

let’s taco ’bout being two & Charlotte’s fiesta party!

Our Charli girl turned two on March 25th. Quarantine was in place all across the United States and a week prior to her birthday, Washington state officially went into lockdown.

We celebrated with all of her favorite things like balloons, donuts in the morning and pizza for our dinner with just our little fam. It was such a fun day for Charlotte and somehow she KNEW it was her day.. is that even possible? haha 😉 Side note: she is obsessed with birthday’s and loves to sing to anyone when it is theirs. She also keeps a roster of people she remembers and occasionally will sing to them if she is in a chipper mood. 😉

Earlier I hadn’t planned on doing too much for the sake of a busy Spring and wanting to continue with my plan of every other year doing a birthday bash and the next keeping it low key. This was the year to keep things simple but I COULD NOT contain myself after not being with family or hosting anyone for over two months. It seemed fitting to throw a good shindig for the anywho but also to celebrate my little girlie as well.

I had no pushing plans so I looked up our weather for the week and picked the warmest day. Saturday was it. I had purchased some cactus balloons from amazon, pinned some ideas on Pinterest for inspiration and started with my menu plan. Charlotte received this cute dress with darling stitching and colorful pom moms soon after she was born from my aunt. It sat in the closet just waiting until she was tall enough to dawn it. When I started to think about a potential party during quarantine there were several options to choose from based on things Charli liked or what food sounded good to make. (hah, completely true) Finally the deciding factor was her dress. I knew I wanted something colorful for her party, good food, and sprinkles had to be involved as well.

so fiesta party it was.

My sister, visiting from Philly, helped with decorations purchased at dollar tree and filled the balloons with helium. I pulled out a window that is spray painted black on the back for a clean looking chalkboard (there is an idea if you want it.) and made a sign to hang on our outdoor shelf. Earlier that day I purchased 2 boxes of cheap hard shell tacos and dipped them in melted white chocolate a sprinkles. We placed them up on some string for a little banner. After a long busy week, this party was thrown together last minute even though it was much anticipated and supposedly thought out. haha..

The day I thought was to be “perfect” ended up EXTREMELY windy with a chance of rain. *sigh* Oh well, it was still so much fun even though my streamers were flying in the wind, my taco banner became a little mangled, and the balloons weren’t in the pictures from laying sideways. But when you live in Ellensburg you jut plan on the wind, so it wasn’t too disappointing. 🙂 We still had a great time.

We had carne asada tacos, carnita tacos, frijoles made from our favorite local mexican restaurant, fresh salsas and chips, homemade churros and vanilla ice-cream and a donkey piñata to top off all the fun. I also cannot forget to mention a little baby funfetti cake with cactuses piped on it. It was a VERY last minute addition but it also made me so happy to show it to Charlotte and have it grace the table. We had to incorporate sprinkles somewhere else too. 😉

Enough about the party.

Charlotte is growing up and fast becoming a friend of mine. She is VERY communicative and has Clayton and I nearly rolling with laughter every day with some of her verbage and new words she is learning. It’s not shocking she is becoming a foodie herself due to the fact she gets it honest both ways. If you ask her what her favorite cheese is, it’s possible you will get “umm. gouda, yeah!” “marble, yum”, or “pepper jack!.”

She knows her colors, is working on her ABC’s and a couple memory verses. I have already noticed that she learns things very quickly and remember’s quite well. She loves to read her books, still loves chocolate milk and sprinkles, and has two new kittens named Ebony and Dwayne. Very random, I know but she would be GLAD to talk to you about them. 😉

She is a joy in our life and cannot imagine life with out our sweet + spicy girlie in it.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY three months late, Charli. We love you! <3

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